Sunday, December 28, 2008

Clumsy Anacronym

I've got to quit making fun of my manager. Really, I can't keep doing this.

Today she and a co-worker of mine were folding sweaters. "You can't describe a sweater as 'clumsy'" she said "clumsy isn't an adjective, it's an adverb".

Knowing I did not want to get involved in this conversation, I tried to leave the room.

"Sara!" She shouts. "Clumsy is an adverb, right? It can't be an adjective".

"Er well...I suppose it could be an adjective, if you were describing a, a person. The person was clumsy".

"Yeah but, it's really an adverb, right?"

Well, if you were to say, "He stumbled along, clumsily" You'd be in adverb territory.

"What about a sweater. Can a sweater be clumsy?".

I suppose it could be.

"Hee Haw! Right!" she snorts. "You need to have a long talk with your ex-husband, because you are WRONG baby! So wrong.."

Yes, tonight I will consult my ex-husband who teaches High School English about Adverbs. Maybe I'll call my English professor father and brother as well for a second and third opinion because , GASP-I don't know the English language.

Earlier that day she was decribing her daughter coming up with some anaconyms. "You know, like Happy for Sad, or Hot and Cold.."

I think she's FUBAR.

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